I have some augeas code that works flawlessly with puppet 2.6.17, but when 
running the identical code on 3.4.2, I get an error.

The code:
   augeas { 'myuser_in_logingroup':
      context     => '/files/etc/group',
      changes     => [ "set ${hostname}/user[last()+1] myuser", ],
      onlyif      => "match ${hostname}/*[.='myuser'] size == 0",
      require     => Group['local_login_group'],

The error from running 'puppet agent -tv':
Warning: Augeas[myuser_in_logingroup](provider=augeas): Loading failed for 
one or more files, see debug for /augeas//error output
Error: /Stage[main]/Group_management/Augeas[myuser_in_logingroup]: Could 
not evaluate: Save failed with return code false, see debug

I'm having a difficult time finding/understanding clues from debug output. 
Any ideas?

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