On 02/19/2014 02:03 AM, HPUX_PUPPET wrote:

Just a bit more explanation...

When I was looking for references I was only finding puppet-lint and rspec-puppet for testing manifests, but not finding anything for writing the spec files to test module functionality or modifications to existing modules such as the HPUX user management.

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There is not that much documentation available.

I did a talk on cfgmgmtcamp.eu about TDD and puppet. Yoiu can find a little blog at the BPUG website : puppet-be.github.io. (there are some references in the slides)

I look mostly at the puppet code for examples for writing rspec files. Some interesting links I also have to look at :



I will delve again into this topic shortly, and share my experiences in my sequel of the talk on puppetcamp Paris/Berlin.

Also looking for people interested in testing using rspec and there experience/problems

Sorry i couldn't give you the info you need, but hope you will find some answers in the links.



Johan De Wit

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