How do you monitor your apache/passenger-fronted puppetmaster to find out when 
it's down?

As backstory, we have a chaos monkey sort of cron job randomly kill-9'ing 
random processes and monit checking services to make sure they stay up. (Sadly 
the chaos monkey part probably won't make it into production.)

The puppet agent seems to exit with a 0 status in some circumstances where the 
puppetmaster isn't working, therefore doing a test noop agent run doesn't help. 
So far the only way I've figured out to check if my puppetmaster service is 
purportedly functioning is:

[root@cwt1 ~]# cat /usr/local/sbin/monit-check-passenger 
exit `curl -k -s https://localhost:8140 | grep '500 Internal Server Error' | wc 

Unfortunately the above gives me one of these in my syslog each minute, which 
is harmless yet still ugly:

Mar  5 10:21:42 cwt1 puppet-master[32167]: The environment must be purely 
alphanumeric, not ''

I'm interested in a puppetmaster monitoring solution which doesn't give me log 

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