I am trying to use hiera to populate a defined type to feed the 
puppet-logstash module. So far, I have been unable to send the data from my 
hiera file to my defined type. I have tested my defined type and it is 
working, I just can't seem to populate the variables. It tells me that 
$content and $order are not set.


class profiles::logstash::shipper() {

  $shipper_config = hiera('profiles::logstash::config')
  create_resources('config', $shipper_config)

  class { 'logstash':
    ensure  => 'present',
    version => '1.4.1-1_bd507eb',
    status  => 'enabled',

  profiles::logstash::config { $name:
       content => $content,
       order   => $order,

  include logstash


define profiles::logstash::config(
  $content = undef,
  $order = undef,
) {
  logstash::configfile { $name:
    content => $content,
    order   => $order


  - os::repo
  - profiles::logstash::shipper

     content: 'this is a test'
     order: '10'

My notice is not called, it does not display a thing. Did I use 
create_resources correctly?

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