>> But it hurt my eyes each time I see it ...
>> Suggestions?
> Install your whole Puppet stack, from Ruby through Puppet to Puppet DB, via
> your distro's native package management system.  PuppetLabs hosts package
> repositories for many current systems, including, I think, Ubuntu 12.04.
> But be sure to avoid having the same thing installed as gem and native
> package.

I concur with John, we recommend not using the gem at all for Puppet.

I think the main reason we have to keep publishing the gem for puppet
is for testing and development (like rspec-puppet testing for
example). But internally I know there is some dislike from our devs
around the gem way of installing puppet, because Puppet isn't just a
library in the conventional sense (its an app) and all the other
artifacts such as configuration files and service scripts can't be
contained in a gem for clean installation. Its another thing that can
go wrong basically, and when you're helping community users with
custom stuff you can waste a lot of time just in determining
environmental differences, not to mention we can never truly do
automated testing for everyones custom setups so the guarantees and
confidence here can only be lower ...... so it becomes a slight pain
for everyone :-).

On another note, gems require compilation steps - that is, any C
extensions etc. require compilation during installation. This is less
than desirable (unless you use gentoo :-) for a lot of shops to do due
to the tooling requirements needed, its flakiness, reduced determinism
... and not only that its much slower than installing a package with
just binaries. Also the upstream rubygems.org is flaky, so you always
need your own mirror (if you want reliability anyway).

I guess our expectations are that people who insist on using the gem
method, can support it themselves without help since its an advanced
thing and is usually only done for a specific reason, since as John
says - we provide packaging for the common recommended path.

Either way, I'm still offering the ability to build a gem here from
the Gemfile we provide in source, I guess you missed my comment before
about that:

"...but if you insist, someone has provided a gemspec in our source
tree, that you can build a gem from:

And this can probably be hosted in a local gem mirror. If you're going
down the rubygems route for installation for your production
environment you'll need a mirror like this anyway since rubygems.org
can be flakey (we see it break all the time in our testing
environments) ... I guess my point is if you're going to insist on
doing gems, do it properly.


ps. of course if we had enough demand I'd totally consider supporting
gems, I'm a pragmatist don't get me wrong - just that up until now
no-one has convinced me its worth the effort, we're a small team as
well for puppetdb ... every decision around new action counts :-).

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