On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 3:45:57 AM UTC-5, Félix Barbeira wrote:
> I always heard that serve large files over puppet is a bad practice. 
> But...I guess it depends of what you consider a large file. Everyone agree 
> that serve for example a 25MB file over puppet it's definitely not 
> recommended.
It is generally useful in such cases to understand *why* a thing is 
considered poor practice.  Otherwise it's very hard to reason about 
questions such as the one you are posing.

The general advice to avoid serving "large" files via the Puppet master's 
built-in file server is based on Puppet's default behavior of using MD5 
checksums to determine whether the target file's content is already in 
sync.  Checksumming the source and target files is comparatively expensive, 
and the master must do it for each catalog request for each client for each 
File resource in its catalog (that uses the default checksum method).


> My question is wether a text file of ~7000 lines and ~700KB would be 
> acceptable. Do you think this file rebase "puppet recommended size limits 
> for file" and it's big enough to use the advices of the following thread??
> https://ask.puppetlabs.com/question/627/serving-large-files-formally-code-artifacts-best-practices/
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fask.puppetlabs.com%2Fquestion%2F627%2Fserving-large-files-formally-code-artifacts-best-practices%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEX6OGIKtjD9bPDQi_xRBYq9BN6LA>

There is no one-size-fits-all answer.  If your master can support the 
combined load, and if the load on your clients (from checksumming on their 
side) is acceptable, then you are basically ok.  Beware, however, of the 
load creeping up as you add more Files, and mind that your master's client 
capacity is affected by how much work it must perform for each client.

Note, too, that there are multiple possible approaches.  If the file(s) you 
want to serve is static and doesn't change too frequently then packaging it 
up and managing it via a Package is a good solution, and I would certainly 
consider that for a 700kB file.  Especially so if it's part of a collection 
that you can package up together.  On the other hand, you can also reduce 
the computational load by switching to a lighter-weight checksum method 
at the expense of a greater risk of Puppet mistaking whether the File is 
already in sync.  Or if you put it on a network file server accessible to 
your clients, then 'source'ing it from there works, and spares the master 
from checksumming.


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