On 8/13/14 12:57 PM, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Monday, August 11, 2014 8:50:36 AM UTC-5, Jan van Lith wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I am using winbind with "winbind enum groups = yes" on some of our
>     servers.
>     When ensuring a user that is local (and also in AD, so it has a lot
>     of groups) the puppet run takes ages. Winbind process is taking a
>     lot of cpu and when I strace it AD groups are passing by.
>     This is the manifest:
>      # ensure user and group 
>         user { user:
>           ensure     => 'present',
>           groups     => 'logongroup',
>           uid        => '900',
>           require    => Group[$user],
>           managehome => true,
>         }
>         group { user:
>           ensure => 'present',
>           gid    => '900',
>         }
>     # id user
>     uid=900(user) gid=900(user)
>     groups=900(user),400(logongroup),16777729(domain users) .............
>     What is puppet doing?
> It is likely enumerating all the groups defined for the machine, which
> it will do at the beginning of a run as part of determining the
> machine's initial state.  If winbind allows groups to be enumerated (as
> you specifically say it does for these machines) then those will include
> all the groups winbind can enumerate from AD.  Since you're using the
> name service switch, Puppet probably can't even tell that it's getting
> both AD groups and local groups.
>     I am presuming it is checking if this user is a member of the
>     logongroup.
> Puppet likely uses the 'groups' command to load users' secondary
> groups.  It might be that that requires scanning all AD groups (it does
> require scanning all local groups).  If determining a user's secondary
> groups generally takes a long time in a given environment, then there's
> probably nothing you can do to make Puppet do the job faster than is
> generally required.
> Moreover, Puppet probably determines the secondary groups for all system
> users, which means the cost of running 'groups' is likely multiplied by
> the number of defined system users.  Furthermore, the known system users
> include those who are not permitted to log on, so that could extend to
> all users in AD.
>     Can you make puppet not performing these group checks preforming in AD?
> Sure, by disabling winbind in nsswitch.conf.  But you probably don't
> want to do that.  Likely disabling group enumeration by winbind would
> also speed things up, but (1) you probably have it enabled for a reason,
> (2) Puppet probably then will not be able to determine users' membership
> in AD secondary groups, and (3) AD secondary groups might not work at
> all, at least for local users.
>     My nsswitch.conf tells it to first look in local files.
> The problem is likely tied to the fact that by using winbind for groups
> at all, you add a gazillion groups to your system.  Name resolution
> precedence doesn't change that.
>     passwd:     files winbind
>     shadow:     files winbind
>     group:      files winbind
>     So why is it still performing these tasks when the logongroup is
>     already present in local files?
> It's probably not specific to this user, and almost certainly not to the
> 'logongroup' group.
> John

Hi Jan,

I'm not familiar with winbind itself though your performance might
improve by using nscd to cache the lookups.

and there's a module for that :)


Best regards,

Garrett Honeycutt
Puppet Training with LearnPuppet.com
Mobile: +1.206.414.8658

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