On 20/08/14 09:50, Vincent Miszczak wrote:
> Instead, I pass a YAML hash through an ENC (Foreman to be precise):
> test: 
>  url: "https://mygitrepos/myapp.git";
>  root:"/opt/apps/myapp"
>  user: root
>  require: Class[myclass]
> I finally understand this won't work because this is expanded to 
> require=>"Class[myclass]" instead of require=>Class[myclass].
> I was mislead by the error message that does not have any quote to 
> distinguish strings from the rest.

I wonder if this is a limitation of Foreman or how Foreman is passing
the hash to Puppet?  As I'm doing something similar to this in yaml with

  - basic::directory
  - myservice
    owner: svc_account
    group: svc_account
    mode: '0755'
    require: Package[myservice]
    before: Service[myservice]
myservice::data_dir: /data/myservice

The basic::directory class is a simple wrapper around create_resources
for the file resource.

class basic::directory ($instance){
  $real_instance = hiera_hash(basic::directory::instance)
  $defaults = {
    'ensure' => 'directory',
    'mode'   => '0755',
    'owner'  => 'root',
    'group'  => 'root',
  create_resources(file, $real_instance, $defaults)

The 'myservice' class handles the installation and management of the
service.  In it the package is an RPM that creates the user account for
the service to run under, so the account doesn't exist until the package
is installed.  However, the directory needs to be created with the
correct ownership and permissions before the service is started, as it's
been configured not to use the default directory.

This worked as desired when I first did it and I haven't seen any
errors.  However, from reading the other comments in the thread, maybe
it shouldn't work?

Joseph Swick <joseph.sw...@meltwater.com>
Operations Engineer
Meltwater Group

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