On Friday, August 22, 2014 9:38:20 AM UTC-5, Matt W wrote:
> Even with the caching disabled, I think we ran into this again. Can one of 
> the puppet-devs chime in here and let me know what might be going on?

I am not among the Puppet developers, but I think I already touched on the 
likely problem in your other thread.  You have multiple nodes are 
identifying themselves to Puppet as the same machine, and if you rely on 
facts that differ among identity-sharing nodes then you are poking at 
exactly the point where your shared-identity model breaks down.

Even so, I think your approach would probably work if you serialized 
catalog requests, e.g. by using the built-in webrick server, since it seems 
likely that you are experiencing a race on the server.  Specifically, I 
suspect you'll find that those calls to the REST API are all originating 
from the master itself.  If an ENC is in use then it would be high on my 
list of suspects.


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