
I got it to work with the array.  I had to remove the base class in your 
code otherwise that folder gets declared multiple times.  After I did that, 
it pretty much worked as expected.

I like the idea of the loop and looked up future parser.  I couldn't find 
any examples that I was comfortable with so again, the array is great for 
now.  I will revisit this thread when I have a better grasp of puppet 
overall as I feel you gave great advice and examples that for right now I 
am just not getting.  Thanks for your patience with me on this as I learned 
a lot in the process. 

On Thursday, September 25, 2014 8:49:20 AM UTC-5, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 2:38:40 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>> Neil and John,
>> You guys both agree on using individual files and I was thinking of how I 
>> could do this.  If I have one file or three, it may not be a big deal to do 
>> individually, but some applications could need dozens or more.  
>> I don't know if it is possible, some searching makes me believe it isn't, 
>> but I'll share my thought.
>> Can you do something like a for loop in a bash script.  So it would be 
>> something like...
> You can if you turn on the future parser, but there's an old-school way to 
> approach the problem that might actually be better in your case, because it 
> would be reusable across multiple application modules.  The old-school way 
> revolves around Puppet's behavior when an array is provided as a resource 
> title 
> <>,
> which is to declare a separate resource for each element of the array.  
> When the declared resource is of a defined type, it's body is evaluated 
> once for each title, which yields a pretty good analog of iteration.  
> Example:
> define my_module::mac_preference_file ($application) {
>   include my_module::mac_preferences_base
>   file { "/System/Library/User 
> Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/${title}":
>     ensure => 'file',
>     owner => 'root',
>     group => 'wheel',
>     mode => '0600'
>     source => "puppet:///modules/${application}/Preferences/${title}"
>   }
> }
> # Manages the base preferences directory.
> # Must be a class so that it can be declared multiple times..
> class my_module::mac_preferences_base {
>   # Note: not recursive.  In this version, all managed contents
>   # are managed by separate File resources.
>   file { "/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences":
>     ensure => 'directory',
>     owner => 'root',
>     group => 'wheel',
>     mode => '0600'
>   }
> }
> That might be used like so:
> class some_application {
>   $my_preference_files = [ 'some.plist', 'another.plist', 'random.plist' ]
>   my_module::mac_preference_file { $my_preference_files:
>     application => 'some_application'
>   }
>   # ...
> }
>> for files in .../module_name/Preferences/  # get a list of files and 
>> folders in the Preferences subfolder on the Puppet Master
>>   file { '/System/Library/User 
>> Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/${files}':  #Directory on Puppet 
>> agent, the variable would make this a unique resource and it would work for 
>> a file and folder
>>   source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/Preferences/${files}", # 
>> Since it is looping every file on the Puppet Master would match perfectly 
>> to the same exact file/folder on the agent.  No duplicate declaration.
>> done
>> John,
>> I think I understand what your code is trying to do, but am not sure I 
>> understand how to implement.  I think that $preference_sources is making a 
>> list of paths (puppet paths) to the Preferences folder of each module,
> Yes, the approach depends on creating an array of all the source 
> directories from which to sync files into the master Preferences folder.  
> You cannot manage the Preferences folder more than once, but you *can* 
> give it multiple sources.
>> and I know that sourceselect all means that it will use all sources 
>> instead of stopping at the first match.  I also see that the 
>> preferences_sources is being created from a regex expression that I don't 
>> completely understand, though that shouldn't matter in getting this to 
>> work.  
>> Is this still a defined type?
> No, it is a class.  That's what "class" instead of "define" at the 
> beginning means.  There's no point to making it a defined type, because any 
> attempt to declare it (as a resource) more than once will fail with a 
> duplicate resource error.  Also, if you make it a class then you have the 
> option of using automated data binding to assign the parameter value (via 
> Hiera).
>>  Should class mac_managed_preferences be defined
> Well, yes.  Its definition is what I presented.  Do you mean to ask 
> whether it should be *declared*?  Also yes.  A class definition by itself 
> does nothing for you.  In this case, you make an array of the names of all 
> the application modules whose preferences you want to manage, and assign 
> that array as the class's parameter.  If you do that via Hiera and 
> automated data binding, then you can declare the mac_managed_preferences 
> class as many times as you like, using the 'include' function.  If you use 
> a resource-like class declaration, however, then it must not be evaluated 
> more than once.
>> or are we making a new class for each applications preferences (assuming 
>> that's the $applications variable in the class name)?
> There is no variable in the class name.  The class has a parameter named 
> $applications, but it is not part of the class name.  You are already 
> supposing that there is a separate (and different) class for each managed 
> application, however.  In fact, you are supposing that there is an entirely 
> separate *module* for each managed application.  Class 
> mac_managed_preferences would be a single class, separate from all the 
> per-application classes.  Whatever class or node block declares all the 
> per-application classes (and which therefore knows which ones are being 
> declared) would also declare class mac_managed_preferences.
> Overall, you seem to be really struggling with a lot of fundamental Puppet 
> concepts.  Puppet DSL is substantially unlike any programming language you 
> may have used (and indeed, it is not itself a programming language), so it 
> would be to your advantage to read the language reference section of the 
> Puppet reference manual <>, 
> and to at least skim the resource type reference 
> <> and the 
> function 
> reference 
> <>.  The 
> language reference is an easy read, and quite good.
> John

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