I'm uncertain which differences between the two logs you find significant.  
They do appear to have been recorded at different log levels -- that 
explains why one has "Updated:" entries and the other does not.  The 
various packages are managed in different order in the two runs, but Puppet 
resource ordering is not guaranteed to be consistent (subject to several 
caveats).  The two runs show somewhat different sets of resources being 
updated, but even if the nodes receive identical catalogs, which resources 
are updated will vary depending on which resources need to be updated.

Anyway, you cannot parallelize catalog runs.  The agent employs a lock file 
to ensure that you do not do so.  This is because multiple concurrent runs 
can conflict with each other.  Even if Puppet wanted to parallelize 
internally -- and in principle it could do so to some extent -- it is far 
trickier than just arbitrarily splitting resources among threads.  
Moreover, the gain achievable that way is unclear, but likely to be 
variable and small, as most of the time-consuming operations the agent 
performs are I/O bound.

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