Hey Felix,

thanks, but those aren't the important ones I'm afraid. There should be
> a vhost to bind port 8140. If there is not, please check carefully which
> process is actually listening on that port. (If it's Ruby, I have bad
> news and good news :-)

Whoops! OK I get you now. Here's the vhost that binds to 8140:

# ************************************

# Vhost template in module puppetlabs-apache

# Managed by Puppet

# ************************************

<VirtualHost *:8140>

  ServerName puppet

  ## Vhost docroot

  DocumentRoot "/etc/puppet/rack/public/"

  ## Directories, there should at least be a declaration for

  <Directory "/etc/puppet/rack/public/">

    AllowOverride None

    Require all granted

    PassengerEnabled On


  ## Load additional static includes

  ## Logging

  ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/puppet_error_ssl.log"

  ServerSignature Off

  CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/puppet_access_ssl.log" combined

  ## SSL directives

  SSLEngine on

  SSLCertificateFile      "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppet.example.com.pem"


  SSLCertificateChainFile "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem"

  SSLCACertificatePath    "/etc/pki/tls/certs"

  SSLCACertificateFile    "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem"

  SSLCARevocationFile     "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem"

  SSLProtocol             ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3


  SSLHonorCipherOrder     on

  SSLVerifyClient         optional

  SSLVerifyDepth          1

  SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData

  ## Request header rules

  ## as per

  RequestHeader set X-SSL-Subject %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e

  RequestHeader set X-Client-DN %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e

  RequestHeader set X-Client-Verify %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY}e

  RequestHeader unset X-Forwarded-For

  ## Custom fragment


And it looks like only apache is listening on port 8140:

[root@puppet:/etc/httpd/conf.d] #lsof -i :8140


httpd    1144   root    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd    1643 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd    1643 apache   17u  IPv4 3341375      0t0  TCP
puppet.example.com:8140->nfs1.example.com:35940 (ESTABLISHED)

httpd    9548 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd    9587 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd    9934 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd    9997 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   10398 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   10398 apache   17u  IPv4 3341633      0t0  TCP

httpd   10955 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   16186 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   16188 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   16189 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   16189 apache   17u  IPv4 3341683      0t0  TCP

httpd   17444 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   18372 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   18372 apache   17u  IPv4 3341585      0t0  TCP
puppet.example.com:8140->varnish2.example.com:41184 (ESTABLISHED)

httpd   19116 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   19116 apache   17u  IPv4 3341603      0t0  TCP

httpd   20462 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   21680 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   21680 apache   17u  IPv4 3341090      0t0  TCP
puppet.example.com:8140->web1.example.com:50509 (ESTABLISHED)

httpd   23953 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   23955 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   23956 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   23956 apache   17u  IPv4 3341270      0t0  TCP

httpd   29450 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

httpd   29450 apache   17u  IPv4 3341677      0t0  TCP

httpd   31405 apache    5u  IPv4   17778      0t0  TCP *:8140 (LISTEN)

 I hope that helps! And let me know if I can provide anything else that
could help track down the issue.


On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Felix Frank <
felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de> wrote:

> On 07/17/2015 10:37 PM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
> >
> > Hi Felix,
> >
> >  Thanks for getting back to me! And yes, you are correct.
> > Puppet/Foreman is running through apache/passenger.
> >
> > And here's the vhost configurations. There's two of them, one for ssl
> > and one for non ssl. Non ssl is first:
> >
> Hi Tim,
> thanks, but those aren't the important ones I'm afraid. There should be
> a vhost to bind port 8140. If there is not, please check carefully which
> process is actually listening on that port. (If it's Ruby, I have bad
> news and good news :-)
> Best,
> Felix
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