> Can you help with this query?  I am trying to get 2 facts from all of our
> puppet clients in PuppetDB.
> I tried variations of the following, but no luck: ('["or", ["=", "name",
> "kernelversion"], ["=", "name", "instance_uuid"]]')

For me this query works. Here is the full curl example in the latest
PDB (I replaced instance_uuid with operatingsystem, since I don't have
that fact and I wanted to show it working with _something_):

# curl -G 'http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/facts' --data-urlencode
[ {
  "certname" : "kb.local",
  "environment" : "production",
  "name" : "operatingsystem",
  "value" : "Darwin"
}, {
  "certname" : "kb.local",
  "environment" : "production",
  "name" : "kernelversion",
  "value" : "14.4.0"
} ]%


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