Hi All

A few folks might have seen this yesterday, but just in case.


I've been working on a set of Docker images for running Puppet
software, so Puppet Server, PuppetDB, etc. The blog post above covers
why and when this might be useful, but a few examples:

* You want to run Puppet on something like CoreOS, PhotonOS or Atomic
where containers are the defacto way of installing software
* You want a full local development environment (including on WIndows
or OSX) with minimal overhead

The Dockerfiles and various build tools are available on GitHub:


And the images are available today on Docker Hub:


We've also created a number of examples that show a few tips and
tricks, including standing up the server stack using Docker compose:


These are an experimental way of packaging up and releasing Puppet
software intended for those people already familiar with Docker. We'd
love any feedback about what you like and don't like, what you'd like
to see in the future or anything vaguely related.

And a quick thanks to all the people in the Puppet community who have
rolled their own versions of this at some point or another. By having
an official Puppet repo we're hoping that for the common case we can
get everyone collaborating on a shared set of Dockerfiles/images, and
that with many eyes come all the good ideas, but we want to make them
a good starting point for advanced users too.



Gareth Rushgrove


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