Am Dienstag, 19. Juli 2016 18:50:45 UTC+2 schrieb Salty Old Cowdawg:
> Let me preface everything I'm about to say by saying I only started 
> seriously coding in Ruby about a year ago.  I've been a Perl guy since 1989 
>  and C/C++ and friends for longer than that so I'm not a total newbie.  The 
> question I'm going to ask notwithstanding. :-)
> What I'm trying to accomplish is writing a function that will parse text 
> data that will be used as part of a fact, in a custom function for Puppet 
> and several other places within the Puppet ecosphere. 
> I've got the parser itself written but I'd hate to think I have to 
> duplicate that code everywhere it's needed.  What would be the best 
> approach to making the subroutine available to a custom fact, custom 
> function and type/provider all at once?
> A synopsis of sorts.  The custom fact generates an aggregate fact and the 
> custom function and custom type/provider compare a parameter fed to a class 
> to that value to make a logic decision. 
> Ideas?

I suspect you would need to create a rubygem and deploy it on all machines? 
but maybe this is more a question for the Puppet Developers mailinglist.

- Thomas 

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