On Friday, March 3, 2017 at 8:31:00 AM UTC-5, Michael Watters wrote:
> This would be the ideal but you *can* use the rpm provider when needed. 
>  For example:
> package { 'jdk':
>     ensure  => installed,
>     provider => 'rpm',
>     source  => '/pub/oracle/jdk-8-linux-x64.rpm',
> }
> This will install the rpm using the defined source path.  In our 
> environment the /pub directory is available to all nodes via nfs

But it won't handle a number of issues in the original post-- RPM 'a' 
before 'b', and invoke script 'c' once packages a and b are installed.  Of 
course, you can do that with a number of puppet metaparameters.

I agree with everyone else that the "Right Way" is to create a yum repo, 
and install the packages via the package provider.  You can use notify / 
subscribe to control sequencing, or use the chaining arrows.

However, a long time ago, I solved this problem the wrong way-- and if 
you're going to do it the wrong way, you should at least do it right.  ;)

My original use was installing 2 .rpm or .deb files (depending on OS), 
without storing binaries in my git repo (the amount of pain it took to 
excise the vmware-tools installer out of my git repo was... enlightening. 
 If wisdom comes from making mistakes, I could compete with Solomon).  I 
had a second use case of a set of lab workstations installing an arbitrary 
number of RPM files containing various custom software applications, and 
that turned out to be something I'm still using this method for today.

I created a second "mount point" in puppet via fileserver.conf, pointing to 
a location outside the puppet git tree, so I could use 
"puppet:///downloads/<directory>" as a source, synchronized that directory 
to a local directory on the workstation using "ensure => directory", 
"recurse => true", and "purge => true", then had that resource notify an 
exec of "yum install -y *rpm"-- because yum will automatically handle 
dependencies, sequence, and upgrades.

Then any time you drop a new rpm into the directory on the puppet server, 
the client automatically downloads and installs and/or upgrades the 

Not the "Right Way", no, but it does work, and takes less work to add new 
packages (my way, drop new RPM in location accessible only by puppet-- 
yum/package way, add package to http:// accessible repo, update repo 
metadata, and (if needed) add package to node catalog if it's a new package 
vs. an upgraded existing package).

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