Thank you so much. Sometimes when you've been looking at code a while you 
just can't see the obvious. I started with code you created in another post 
and finished it with your help. Here's the finished code:
class replacepattern {
    define replace($file,$pattern,$newstring){
        exec { "replace pattern with newstring in ${file}":
        command => "sed -i \'s|${pattern}|${newstring}|g\' '${file}'",
        onlyif => "test -e ${file}",
        refresh => 'true',
        provider => 'posix',
        logoutput => false,       }    }     }
and in site.pp:
        include ::replacepattern
        ::replacepattern::replace { "common-auth":

           file => "/etc/pam.d/common-auth",
           pattern => "minimum_uid=1000",
           newstring => "minimum_uid=400",        }

@John Gelnaw:
My manager and I took you advice and changed our strategy to replace the 
minimum to 400 (OSX starts at 500).
And I really like your code but I can't figure out a file to subscribe to. 
I might just have to create one.

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