
I try to write a code to delete some key inside a hash. So I got this

  $_dataset = reduce($dataset.map |$key, $value| { {$key => 
delete($value,['remove_key1','remove_key2','remove_key3'])} }) | $result, 
$value | { deep_merge($result, $value)}

so if

  $dataset = {
    name1 => {
      attr1 =>
      attr2 =>
      remove_key1 =>
      remove_key2 =>
      remove_key3 =>
      attr3 =>

it will end up

  $_dataset = {
    name1 => {
      attr1 =>
      attr2 =>
      attr3 =>

So it's working.

But why this *not* working ?

class  (
  Optional[Hash] $remove_key = ['remove_key1','remove_key2','remove_key3'],

  $_dataset = reduce($dataset.map |$key, $value| { {$key => 
delete($value,$remove_key)} }) | $result, $value | { deep_merge($result, 


The problem are some key will be remove, some other not. I'm unable to
understand the difference or find out why it delete some key (event not in
the remove_key array), and keep some other.


Albert SHIH
DIO bātiment 15
Observatoire de Paris
xmpp: j...@obspm.fr
Heure local/Local time:
Wed 05 Jun 2019 04:57:36 PM CEST

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