You can try using the lookup CLI tool with --explain turned on to get detailed information about exactly what hiera is reading and what decisions it is making when producing a value (or not finding anything).

You can also get that level of detail in your logs by running the server
with --debug turned on.

Armed with that information you should be able to see where hiera is doing something you did not expect.

- henrik

On 2020-02-04 20:33, Sudhir R wrote:

*Hi Team, I am experiencing issue when executing below command on the puppet server, can you please assist me in debug the issue..**1.) I execute this command on the puppet master server*=> puppet master --debug --compile <>Error: Could not find data item scm_liagent.ini.erb in any*Hiera data file and no default supplied at /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/li_agent/manifests/config.pp:13 on node ** <>* Error: Could not find data item scm_liagent.ini.erb in any Hiera data file and no default supplied at /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/li_agent/manifests/config.pp:13 on node <> Error: Failed to compile catalog for node <>: Could not find data item scm_liagent.ini.erb in any Hiera data file and no default supplied at /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/li_agent/manifests/config.pp:13 on node <>

*2.) The file does exist under the hiera directory on the puppet server*
[root@sc-prd-scm-puppet002 hiera]# ls -ltr /etc/puppet/environments/production/hiera/scm_liagent.ini.erb -rw-r--r-- 1 puppet puppet 2018 Feb 3 18:50 /etc/puppet/environments/production/hiera/scm_liagent.ini.erbĀ (edited)

*3.) Hiera configuration as follows....*[root@sc-prd-scm-puppet002 environments]#*cat /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml*
## File maintained by Puppet, any changes will be overwritten. ##
######################## DO NOT EDIT ############################
- json
- yaml
- file
:datadir: '/etc/puppet/environments/%{::host_environment}/hiera'
:datadir: '/etc/puppet/environments/%{::host_environment}/hiera'
:datadir: '/etc/puppet/environments/%{::host_environment}/hiera'
:interpolate: false # defaults to true
- "private/node/%{::fqdn}"
- "private/location/%{::host_location}/%{::host_type_function_inst_suffix}"
- "private/location/%{::host_location}/%{::host_type_function}"
- "private/location/%{::host_location}/%{::host_type}"
- "private/location/%{::host_location}/common"
- "private/%{::host_type_function_inst_suffix}"
- "private/%{::host_type_function}"
- "private/%{::host_type}"
- "private/os/%{::operatingsystem}/%{::operatingsystemmajrelease}/common"
- private/common
- "node/%{::fqdn}"
- "location/%{::host_location}/%{::host_type_function_inst_suffix}"
- "location/%{::host_location}/%{::host_type_function}"
- "location/%{::host_location}/%{::host_type}"
- "location/%{::host_location}/common"
- "%{::host_type_function_inst_suffix}"
- "%{::host_type_function}"
- "%{::host_type}"
- "os/%{::operatingsystem}/%{::operatingsystemmajrelease}/common"
- common:merge_behavior: deeper

*4.) Puppet server version*
[root@sc-prd-scm-puppet002 hiera]# puppet master --version

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