I am writing a module to manage a product w/ a few components.  There are a 
few parameters that are common to most of the components but there may be 
cases where it would be useful to override the values from one component to 
another.  I can see two ways to handle this, 1. inheritance and 2. include.

While this is pretty easy to read Puppetlabs recommends against using 
inheritance in most cases.  Is this a good case?  Also in this case does it 
make sense to duplicate the params in the child class but reference the 
parent for the defaults for clarity or is it considered correct to inherit 
and let things be?

class product (
) {}

class product::thing1 (
) inherits product {

# OR 
class product::thing1 (
  $param1 = $parent::param1,
  $param2 = $parent::param2, # Is this considered best practice or should I 
rely on the "inherits" statement to hint to the reader that there are more 
) inherits product {
  if $param1 {
    # do something

    content => inline_template("This is a test <%= @param2 %>...")

The real difference i see here is that you'd have to be sure to include 
product in product::thing1 and variables won't be in the local scope.

class product::thing1 (
) {
  include product

  if $::product::param1 {
    # do something

    content => inline_template("This is a test <%= 
scope['::product::param2'] %>...")

Which of these is the more correct/preferred method or have I missed other 


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