Hi all,

PE server version : PE 2019.8.5
Puppet agent version : 6.21.1 

Actually i have added profile class which calls hosts class and pass 
parameters to it .Then its been assigned to individual  nodegroup on 
console .
we were facing below 500 error while puppet agent run and that looks like 
validation of parameter as string .

I suspect this could be of Undef parameter validation but not sure what 
could be rectify this issue .

Can someone help me on what could be the error ?

Profile class :
class profile::ldap_hosts () {


  class { '::hosts':

          host_entries => {

                        "ldaps1-dev.com.net" => { ensure => 'absent' },

                        "ldaps2-dev.com.net  " => { ensure => 'absent' },

                        " ldaps3-dev.com.net " => { ensure => 'absent' },

                        " ldaps4-dev.com.net  " => { ensure => 'absent' },




hosts class :

# == Class: hosts


# Manage /etc/hosts


class hosts (

  $collect_all           = false,

  $enable_ipv4_localhost = true,

  $enable_ipv6_localhost = false,

  $enable_fqdn_entry     = false,

  $use_fqdn              = true,

  $fqdn_host_aliases     = $::hostname,

  $localhost_aliases     = ['localhost',



  $localhost6_aliases    = ['localhost6',


  $purge_hosts           = false,

  $target                = '/etc/hosts',

  $host_entries          = undef,

) {



  # validate type and convert string to boolean if necessary

  if is_string($collect_all) {

    $collect_all_real = str2bool($collect_all)

  } else {

    $collect_all_real = $collect_all



  # validate type and convert string to boolean if necessary

  if is_string($enable_ipv4_localhost) {

    $ipv4_localhost_enabled = str2bool($enable_ipv4_localhost)

  } else {

    $ipv4_localhost_enabled = $enable_ipv4_localhost



  # validate type and convert string to boolean if necessary

  if is_string($enable_ipv6_localhost) {

    $ipv6_localhost_enabled = str2bool($enable_ipv6_localhost)

  } else {

    $ipv6_localhost_enabled = $enable_ipv6_localhost



  # validate type and convert string to boolean if necessary

  if is_string($enable_fqdn_entry) {

    $fqdn_entry_enabled = str2bool($enable_fqdn_entry)

  } else {

    $fqdn_entry_enabled = $enable_fqdn_entry



  # validate type and convert string to boolean if necessary

  if is_string($use_fqdn) {

    $use_fqdn_real = str2bool($use_fqdn)

  } else {

    $use_fqdn_real = $use_fqdn



  # validate type and convert string to boolean if necessary

  if is_string($purge_hosts) {

    $purge_hosts_enabled = str2bool($purge_hosts)

  } else {

    $purge_hosts_enabled = $purge_hosts



  if $ipv4_localhost_enabled == true {

    $localhost_ensure     = 'present'

    $localhost_ip         = ''

    $my_localhost_aliases = $localhost_aliases

  } else {

    $localhost_ensure     = 'absent'

    $localhost_ip         = ''

    $my_localhost_aliases = undef



  if $ipv6_localhost_enabled == true {

    $localhost6_ensure     = 'present'

    $localhost6_ip         = '::1'

    $my_localhost6_aliases = $localhost6_aliases

  } else {

    $localhost6_ensure     = 'absent'

    $localhost6_ip         = '::1'

    $my_localhost6_aliases = undef



  if !is_string($my_localhost_aliases) and !is_array($my_localhost_aliases) 

    fail('hosts::localhost_aliases must be a string or an array.')



  if !is_string($my_localhost6_aliases) and 
!is_array($my_localhost6_aliases) {

    fail('hosts::localhost6_aliases must be a string or an array.')



  if $fqdn_entry_enabled == true {

    $fqdn_ensure          = 'present'

    $my_fqdn_host_aliases = $fqdn_host_aliases

    $fqdn_ip              = $::ipaddress

  } else {

    $fqdn_ensure          = 'absent'

    $my_fqdn_host_aliases = []

    $fqdn_ip              = $::ipaddress



  Host {

    target => $target,



  host { 'localhost':

    ensure => 'absent',



  host { 'localhost.localdomain':

    ensure       => $localhost_ensure,

    host_aliases => $my_localhost_aliases,

    ip           => $localhost_ip,



  host { 'localhost6.localdomain6':

    ensure       => $localhost6_ensure,

    host_aliases => $my_localhost6_aliases,

    ip           => $localhost6_ip,



  if $use_fqdn_real == true {

    @@host { $::fqdn:

      ensure       => $fqdn_ensure,

      host_aliases => $my_fqdn_host_aliases,

      ip           => $fqdn_ip,



    case $collect_all_real {

      # collect all the exported Host resources

      true:  {

        Host <<| |>>


      # only collect the exported entry above

      default: {

        Host <<| title == $::fqdn |>>





  resources { 'host':

    purge => $purge_hosts,



  if $host_entries != undef {

    $host_entries_real = delete($host_entries,$::fqdn)




Agent error :

May 14 08:59:48 dev-server puppet-agent[15635]: Could not retrieve catalog 
from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: 
Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while 
evaluating a Function Call, hosts::localhost6_aliases must be a string or 
an array. (file: 
line: 90, column: 5) on node cagmp-sup19b3.cag.dyn.nsroot.net



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