Loz said :
> Hey,
> I've got a liveshow coming up in a few months, and writing an entirely
> new set for it. I am hardware based, and currently only use p:d to run
> seq24 for sequencing. I've got this idea, however, to have 2 webcams
> at different positions next to my setup, so I can display their feed
> to a projection behind me, just to add something a bit different to
> it. If I can record it, that'd be even better.
> Does anyone know any software for p:d that will allow me to do this?

gstreamer is very flexible for this kind of thing you could script somehtning 
using the gst-launch command but you will have to get your hands dirty and 
a few days figuring out how it works if you are not famliar with it
i bet there is a much easier solution using puredata and pidip or gem or 
processing -
or even easier with two instanves of vlc or something... depends on how dirty 
and lost in learning you want to get :)

> Cheers,
> Loz
> ---
> Puredyne@goto10.org
> http://identi.ca/group/puredyne
> irc://irc.goto10.org/puredyne


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