Am 30.04.24 um 10:59 schrieb Thomas Lamprecht:
> On 30/04/2024 10:43, Fiona Ebner wrote:
>> So this is not new (already present for Ubuntu 23.10) and stems from the
>> fact that these images from contain:
>>> root@CT113:~# cat /etc/netplan/10-lxc.yaml 
>>> network:
>>>   version: 2
>>>   ethernets:
>>>     eth0:
>>>       dhcp4: true
>>>       dhcp-identifier: mac
>> and that generates a configuration that will be ordered before
>> ours/preferred by systemd-networkd:
>>> root@CT113:~# networkctl status eth0
>>> ● 2: eth0                                                                   
>>>                      Link File: n/a
>>>                   Network File: /run/systemd/network/
>> Should we still change something in the setup code? I suppose our
>> template will not have the netplan configuration file and in a way it'd
>> just be a race to the bottom of being ordered first.
> Why should there be a incentive for a race to the bottom?

What I mean is that template creators also have an incentive to order
their configurations very early. And we have the incentive to order even
earlier. But yes, "race" was the wrong word, because they do not have an
incentive to order earlier than us.

> If we have users running into this then yes, we should do something
> about it, we do not have a hard requirement of the Ubuntu templates
> being build through DAB and especially as we use the LXC template
> builder (or well its artefacts) for other non-Debian images, I'd
> see why users take it as a source.
> If the change in ordering is the correct solution I cannot say without
> looking into all deeper – but I'm sure you can evaluate that.
> One possibility might be disabling netplan on CT creation, if PVE wants
> to control network in another way itself.

I'll look into disabling netplan on creation. That sounds like a cleaner

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