Am 03.12.24 um 13:23 schrieb Christoph Heiss:
> First off, it defines all auto-installer "parse answer" tests in a
> declaratively manner, such that each test actually represent a single
> rust unit test. Improves developer UX a bit and makes better use of the
> built-in facilities of `cargo test`.
> Then it also introduces the `pretty_assertions` crate (as a
> dev-dependency only, tho) for all object comparison - primarily the
> answer file parsing/validation tests. This makes failures way easier to
> observe and quickly reason about.
> No functional changes in the entire series.
> Christoph Heiss (4):
>   auto-installer: tests: add tests for raid level case-insensitivity
>   auto-installer: tests: create separate unit test for each answer file
>   auto-installer: tests: add diff'ed assertions for answer parsing tests
>   tui: use pretty_assertions for object equal asserts
>  debian/control                                |  1 +
>  proxmox-auto-installer/Cargo.toml             |  3 +
>  proxmox-auto-installer/tests/  | 87 +++++++++++--------
>  .../btrfs_raid_level_uppercase.json           | 23 +++++
>  .../btrfs_raid_level_uppercase.toml           | 15 ++++
>  .../{first-boot.json => first_boot.json}      |  0
>  .../{first-boot.toml => first_boot.toml}      |  0
>  .../zfs_raid_level_uppercase.json             | 30 +++++++
>  .../zfs_raid_level_uppercase.toml             | 15 ++++
>  proxmox-tui-installer/Cargo.toml              |  3 +
>  proxmox-tui-installer/src/          |  8 +-
>  11 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 
> proxmox-auto-installer/tests/resources/parse_answer/btrfs_raid_level_uppercase.json
>  create mode 100644 
> proxmox-auto-installer/tests/resources/parse_answer/btrfs_raid_level_uppercase.toml
>  rename proxmox-auto-installer/tests/resources/parse_answer/{first-boot.json 
> => first_boot.json} (100%)
>  rename proxmox-auto-installer/tests/resources/parse_answer/{first-boot.toml 
> => first_boot.toml} (100%)
>  create mode 100644 
> proxmox-auto-installer/tests/resources/parse_answer/zfs_raid_level_uppercase.json
>  create mode 100644 
> proxmox-auto-installer/tests/resources/parse_answer/zfs_raid_level_uppercase.toml

applied series, thanks!

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