On Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:08:24 +0200 (CEST)
Alexandre DERUMIER <aderum...@odiso.com> wrote:

> >>eval { 
> >>ovs-vsctl add-port $bridge vlan$port tag=$port -- set interface 
> >>vlan$port type=internal 
> >>};
> internal interface can have a random name.
I know, but to keep it simple and IMHO more intuitive use a descriptive

>also, we need to manage update. (ip modification for example).
>we could do down, up . But it's not optimal.

How would you do it otherwise? The only way to change IP on an
interface which is up is to bring it down first, change IP, and then
bring it up again.

Michael Rasmussen

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/usr/games/fortune -es says:
He hated being thought of as one of those people that wore stupid
ornamental armour. It was gilt by association.
                -- Terry Pratchett, "Night Watch"

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