Dear Proxmox Dev Team,

I'm trying to re-compile Proxmox VE 5.2 kernel, 4.15 branch, but no success so far.

I've followed this README:;a=blob_plain;;hb=HEAD


Install a fresh Proxmox VE 5.2 on my machine

Download Debian 9.5 (standard) container template from machine-ip:8006 \ local \ Content screen. Spawn a container instance from this template, 120GB root disk.

SSH to container instance

apt-get install all build prerequisites per README instruction:

/apt-get install git nano screen patch fakeroot build-essential devscripts libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libssl-dev bc flex bison libelf-dev libaudit-dev libgtk2.0-dev libperl-dev libperl-dev asciidoc xmlto gnupg gnupg2 rsync lintian debhelper libiberty-dev/


/mkdir /source/

/cd /source/

############ Build common PVE perl ###############

/git clone git://

/cd /source/pve-common/


/dpkg -i libpve-common-perl_5.0-38_all.deb/

############# Pull pve-kernel ################

/git clone -b pve-kernel-4.15 --single-branch git://

############## Pull zfsonlinux ##########

/cd /source/pve-kernel/submodules/

/git clone git://

########### Pull ubuntu-bionic ###########

/git clone git://

/mv mirror_ubuntu-bionic-kernel ubuntu-bionic/

####### Build it ##########

/cd /source/pve-kernel/

/make 2>&1 | tee ~/build-4.15.1.log/

Build fail with this message:

/install: target 'debian/pve-kernel-4.15.18-4-pve/lib/modules/4.15.18-4-pve/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/' is not a directory: No such file or directory//
//debian/rules:99: recipe for target '.install_mark' failed/

Inside this directory: //source/pve-kernel-4.15/build/debian/pve-kernel-4.15.18-4-pve/lib/modules/

There are:

4.15.18-4-pve     <=    this dir is empty

4.15.18-4-pve+  <=    this dir has files/

I edit this file /source/pve-kernel/debian/rules, add 2 commands at line 106

/        ${MAKE} -C ${KERNEL_SRC} INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${BUILD_DIR}/debian/${PVE_KERNEL_PKG}/ modules_install//
/*/        rmdir debian/${PVE_KERNEL_PKG}/lib/modules/${KVNAME}/**/
/**/        cp -a debian/${PVE_KERNEL_PKG}/lib/modules/${KVNAME}+ debian/${PVE_KERNEL_PKG}/lib/modules/${KVNAME}/**/
//        ## install latest ibg driver//

########## make again ############

/cd /source/pve-kernel/

/make 2>&1 | tee ~/build-4.15.2.log/

Build fail at this error:
/input file 'debian/pve-headers-4.15.18-4-pve/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.18-4-pve/Module.symvers' does not exist//
//debian/rules:245: recipe for target 'abi-4.15.18-4-pve' failed/

There is no linux-headers-4.15.18-4-pve directory inside.

And there is no linux header to download from Proxmox git site.

=> don't know how to fix this error.

Any input is appreciated.

Best regards.

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