On 2/20/19 10:05 AM, Fabian Grünbichler wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:30:54AM +0100, Herman van Rink wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is this the best place to suggest changes to the pve wiki? It seems that
>> account creation is disabled there these days.
>> The installation steps[1] have a section 'Configure apt to use the new
>> packages repositories' mentioning that you need to add a repository.
>> In my experience the Enterprise repo is automatically added, so no need
>> to add anything.
>> Removing the 'No-Subscription' repo would be a good step to add or automate.
>> While the wiki mentions 'not recommended to run on production servers' I
>> found this repo active on a number of servers that also have a valid
>> subscription.
> The problem is that if you are currently running Debian Stretch, you
> don't have any (non-manual) way to enable access to the pve-enterprise
> repository. Thus you first need to configure the pve-no-subscription
> one, use that to install PVE, then add your subscription key and switch
> to pve-enterprise.
> It might make sense to put a hint at the end that switching to
> pve-enterprise if you have a subscription is a good idea at that point
> ;)

Can you make those changes? Or can I get a wiki account to make the
suggestion there?


Met vriendelijke groet / Regards,

Herman van Rink
Initfour websolutions

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