On Wed, 3 Jun 2020 11:34:35 +0200
Andreas Steinel <a.stei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If I remember correctly, the problem with the ZFS-over-iSCSI stuff is
> that the backend provider in FreeNAS/FreeBSD has changed numerous
> times and at least one version did not support online
> reconfiguration. That may be solved right now, but I haven't look at
> the plugin for a long time. It just works for Debian as Mario
> (@fireon) described in [2].

A few years ago the FreeNAS API was fluctuating between every new minor
release (eg, 9.3 -> 9.4) and was as such called 'not production ready'
by IXSystems and therefore labelled beta, experimental etc (I know that
no product developed by Alfabet (google) never has transitioned from
beta to production state ;-) This means that maintaining such a plugin
is very time consuming and since this is bade in peoples free time
there likely will be the same resources required to do that. On the
other hands those plugin already present in Proxmox uses production
stamped solutions which rarely/ever makes breaking changes is more
likely to be maintainable in peoples free time. As a side note: The
current iscsi initiator (ctld) in FreeBSD still has an upper limit of
1024 LUNs per target so therefore qualifies as an plugin alternative to

#define MAX_LUNS 1024 [0]

[0] https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/master/usr.sbin/ctld/ctld.h

Michael Rasmussen

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