Yes this is really interesting; what O.S.'s suppot it? It would be nice to be able to activate it from GUI...

On 19/05/14 21:08, Gilberto Nunes wrote:
wow nice feature.. I don't knew about this hotplug feature...
Thanks in advance

2014-05-19 15:59 GMT-03:00 Alexandre DERUMIER < <>>:

    >>You should always stop a VM to effectively remove a hard disk:
    the running VM doesn't free it until it is stopped. You can make
    changes in configured harddisks in PVE GUI but they won't be
    activated until next >>stop/start (reboot doesn't work AFAIK).

    you can add hotplug:1 to vm config file, to enable live
    hotplug/unplug (disk,net)

    ----- Mail original -----

    De: "Eneko Lacunza" < <>>
    À: <>
    Envoyé: Dimanche 18 Mai 2014 21:15:36
    Objet: Re: [PVE-User] Error deleting Ceph volume from KVM virtual

    Hi Greg,

    You should always stop a VM to effectively remove a hard disk: the
    running VM doesn't free it until it is stopped. You can make
    changes in configured harddisks in PVE GUI but they won't be
    activated until next stop/start (reboot doesn't work AFAIK).

    That said, the remove error could be because of a timeout deleting
    the somewhat big disk.


    On 17/05/14 00:44, Greg Poirier wrote:

    I have a 1TB RBD volume attached to a KVM virtual machine.
    Removing the volume from this machine was somewhat problematic.

    While the machine is running:

    I selected the disk and clicked Remove. This cause the disk to
    appear as 'unused0' which mapped to the Ceph RBD volume.

    I then highlighted 'unused0' and clicked Remove again.

    I got three errors:
    One was a timeout error attempting to get flock the VM's lock file
    Another was a connection timeout error.
    Another was an internal server error.

    I was unable to find any logs specifying the exact nature of any
    of these errors. pvedaemon and pveproxy both simply logged the

    I tried deleting the disk from Ceph directly which is when I
    discovered the watcher on the rbd_header object. I verified that
    it was the KVM process that held the lock on the RBD volume and
    shutdown the VM.

    While the machine is not running:

    After selecting the 'unused0' disk and clicking Remove the web
    interface froze for some time, and then finally came back with an
    Internal Server Error.

    The volume was no longer present in the web interface, and I
    confirmed both that the volume was no longer listed in rbd -p
    volumes ls -- as well as inspecting attempting to inspect all of
    the objects that used to make up the volume (rbd.stat returned an
    exception saying that the file wasn't found--confirming the
    volume's completed deletion).

    I am running PVE 3.1-24/060bd5a6 with the 2.6.32 kernel.

    Is this a known issue? Has this been fixed in later versions of
    Proxmox? Should I file a new bug? Is there any additional
    information I should attempt to gather before filing?


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Zuzendari Teknikoa / Director Técnico
Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
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Astigarraga bidea 2, planta 6 dcha., ofi. 3-2; 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)

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