
On 09.11.2016 16:29, Dhaussy Alexandre wrote:
I try to remove from ha in the gui, but nothing happends.
There are some services in "error" or "fence" state.

Now i tried to remove the non-working nodes from the cluster... but i
still see those nodes in /etc/pve/ha/manager_status.

Can you post the manager status please?

Also, is pve-ha-lrm and pve-ha-crm up and running without any error
on all nodes, at least on those in the quorate partition?

check with:
systemctl status pve-ha-lrm
systemctl status pve-ha-crm

If not restart them, and if then its still problematic please post the output
of the systemctl status call (if its the same on all node one output should be 

Le 09/11/2016 à 16:13, Dietmar Maurer a écrit :
I wanted to remove vms from HA and start the vms locally, but I can’t even do
that (nothing happens.)

You can remove them from HA by emptying the HA resource file (this deletes also
comments and group settings, but if you need to start them _now_ that shouldn't 
be a problem)

echo "" > /etc/pve/ha/resources.cfg

Afterwards you should be able to start them manually.

How do you do that exactly (on the GUI)? You should be able to start them
manually afterwards.

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