
On 02/10/2017 09:04 PM, Ricardo Persaud wrote:

I am trying to install Proxmox VE4.4 on a IBM server. When I boot from the 
install CD or USB, I get the menu screen and when I choose to install Proxmox 
VE my monitor starts to display different colors and pattern. I attached a 
screenshot. To be sure that there was not a problem with my installation 
medium, I tested it on a regular computer and the installation went normal. I 
also tested a window 10 installation on the IBM server and that went ok. What 
could be the issue here?

You may want to try to add 'nomodeset' to the grub kernel boot line, to do this press 'e' when you get the menu screen, then navigate to the end of the line starting with 'linux' and add 'nomodeset',then press CTRL + X to continue the boot process.

Else you can try to find some UEFI/Legacy settings regarding "Video" in the BIOS/UEFI and change those.

See attached. I also tried with different monitor.

Can you please upload the screenshot on an external hosting site and post the link here, the list drops bigger attachements and images in general for good reasons.

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,

Ricardo Persaud
Managing Director

RICIN Networx
Williamstraat 28
Paramaribo, Suriname
South America

T: 597-8930909
E: r.pers...@ricinnetworx.com

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