
On 03/23/2017 05:20 PM, IMMO WETZEL wrote:
Our Storage backbone had some problems during this, one of the nodes lost his 
quorum, may be cos of many vms at this host had lot of NFS mounted disks.
How can I bring back the host into the Cluster without rebooting?

Was the cluster network on the storage backbone (I assume you mean network here)?

If not, the loss could be the result of heavy load on the node resulting from the outage. Else this would be weird, as quorum does not depend directly on the running (or failed) VMs.

I'd check if the problematic Node can send to the other nodes via multicast [1]
then restarting corosync and eventually pve-cluster should do it:

systemctl restart corosync pve-cluster


[1] http://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/chapter-pvecm.html#cluster-network-requirements

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