
On 11/27/17 12:32 PM, Miguel González wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am migrating from a server with Proxmox 4.4-18 with SATA drives to a
> Proxmox 5.1-36 with SSD drives.
>  I am trying to get the best in performance. I already split OS and data
> disk drives so /home folder is not being backed up by Proxmox, only OS.
> Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda5       29G    17G  12G   58% /
> tmpfs           8.3G     0  8.3G   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/sdb1        50G   33G   14G  71% /home
> /dev/sda1       504M  178M  301M  38% /boot
> /dev/sda2       2.0G   75M  1.8G   4% /tmp
> The sda drive was 250 Gb and I shrink it to 36 Gb. I have already zeroed
> all sda partitions with dd but still after converting qcow2 following
> this the resulting
> qcow2 file is 48 Gb, not 36-40 Gb.
> Something am I missing?
> On the other hand, a few more questions:
> - Should I move to RAW format? Pros? Cons? I have read that backups take
> longer but performance boost is better.
> - Anything that I have to change in Proxmox settings when using SSD
> instead of SATA?
> Thanks!
> Miguel

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