And mount a vpn?
I manage a remote proxmox via vpn

El dom., 25 de nov. de 2018 a la(s) 11:20, Adnan RIHAN (

> Hi there,
> I’m using Proxmox for years on a remote server, and have recently
> installed it in my company (so, in the same LAN).
> In our server room, we have 2 servers (both Proxmox) and 2 Synology
> NAS, all these servers can only be managed by another client using a
> web browser. We don’t have any client machine in the server room, so
> when we fix something in the room (cables, routing, etc…), we need to
> go out and check the VMs on another machine outside the room,
> sometimes making us come back, etc…
> I know VMs can be controlled by command line using qemu, but is there
> another way to locally control the machines on the Proxmox server,
> except by installing a desktop manager and pointing the web browser on
> localhost:8006? Is it even safe to do that?
> We have a KVM in our bay, we can physically access the machines, is
> there maybe a way to physically be connected to a VM (as if we were
> physically connected to a Windows VM for instance)?
> Thanks for your help.
> --
> Regards, Adnan RIHAN
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