Hi Alwin,

El 17/12/18 a las 10:22, Alwin Antreich escribió:

b) depends on the workload of your nodes. Modern server hardware has
enough power to be able to run multiple services. It all comes down to
have enough resources for each domain (eg. Ceph, KVM, CT, host).

I recommend to use a simple calculation for the start, just to get a

In principle:

core='CPU with HT on'

* reserve a core for each Ceph daemon
    (preferable on the same NUMA as the network; higher frequency is
* one core for the network card (higher frequency = lower latency)
* rest of the cores for OS (incl. monitoring, backup, ...), KVM/CT usage
* don't overcommit

* 1 GB per TB of used disk space on an OSD (more on recovery)
Note this is not true anymore with Bluestore, because you have to add cache
space into account (1GB for HDD and 3GB for SSD OSDs if I recall
correctly.), and also currently OSD processes aren't that good with RAM use
accounting... :)
I want to add, that the recommendations for luminous still state that.
Also it is more a rule of thumb, not what the usage actually will be.

With 12.2.10 the bluestore_cache_* settings have been replaced by
osd_memory_target and are set to 4GB by default.
You're right, it seems that docs aren't updated to reflect Bluestore RAM use. The problem here is that Bluestore can't use Linux cache, so has an in-process cache of his own.


Zuzendari Teknikoa / Director Técnico
Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
Telf. 943569206
Astigarraga bidea 2, 2º izq. oficina 11; 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)

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