On 2/13/19 8:32 PM, Denis Morejon wrote:
I have a 12 members cluster. I had problems with two nodes and It was necessary to replace memory on them. But when I shut the servers down I lost the cluster in the web interface.

what do you mean you 'lost the cluster' ? what was displayed?
can you provide any errors from the browsers console?

However, when I type "pvecm status" on one of the working nodes, It appears to be ok (see below, all nodes votes).

was that when you already started the 2 servers again? (ok) or
was it when the 2 were offline (this would be weird)

Then I decided to restart the pve-cluster service on a node (One different from the two that I shutdown) and the service failed

can you provide the syslog/journal from that time?

kind regards

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