Mandi! Fabian Grünbichler
  In chel di` si favelave...

> > What are the correct syntiax? Thanks.

> e.g.,
> --rootfs local:4
> see 'Storage Backed Mount Points' in 

OK, i think i've had to read:

        Note    The special option syntax STORAGE_ID:SIZE_IN_GB for storage 
backed mount point volumes will automatically allocate a volume of the 
specified size on the specified storage. E.g., calling pct set 100 -mp0 
thin1:10,mp=/path/in/container will allocate a 10GB volume on the storage thin1 
and replace the volume ID place holder 10 with the allocated volume ID.

so the doc (and manpage) explain the configuration file format, not the
pct commandline, right?

Also, just i'm here: for VMs i can 'detach' additianal volumes, to prevent
backup/restore to destroy them; why in LXC it is not possible, eg a
restore 'destroy' all container volumes (and there's no way to detach


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