Pete Wyckoff wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 13:09 -0500:

I've attached a patch of the sys-io state machine from trunk that doesn't post the flow until the initial response is received. Phil and Murali, can you let me know if this fixes your respective problems? Also, if you get a chance Pete, can you see what kind of performance degradation this causes for you?

I tested with and without the patch, at a variety of sizes with a
single client, and could not see any performance difference.

Since it fixes Phil's issue, suggest you check it in.

We did some limited performance testing and also didn't see any performance difference.

I did find one odd result, although it is somewhat unrelated. In an earlier email on this topic I mentioned that I was able to find a temporary workaround for the bug by setting PVFS2_BUFMAP_DESC_COUNT to 1, which limits pvfs2-client-core to only performing one I/O operation at a time. A surprising side effect of this was that (regardless of the flow post order) this configuration substantially increased performance for a 5 process I/O benchmark.

In this particular test there are 5 processes, each both reading and writing large files on the same PVFS2 file system. The results are counter-intuitive, because the whole point of having multiple buffers was to allow more concurrent activity when multiple processes perform I/O. However, the test went faster when only one I/O operation was allowed to proceed at a time.

I don't have time to dig into this much further right now, but I just wanted to share on the mailing list in case anyone else was interested.

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