Robert Latham wrote:
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 11:52:32PM +0200, Phil Carns wrote:

I am just following up on the status of a few patches that are out on the mailing list to update my notes. I have divided them up based on where I think they stand. Do any of these (aside from the last one listed) need further work? Any that are definitely declined?

Should be ready?
- test-sgid-error-msg.patch
(I think this one was supposed to be committed but I don't see it now ?)

sam committed this one on june 8. It's the one-liner, right?
Thanks for keeping an eye on all the patches.  It can be hard for us
to keep up with you sometimes :>


Shoot :) This one I _did_ double check, but I looked at the patch too quick. I thought it was adding the extra print statement rather than removing it. Thanks again for getting it integrated.

My patch wrangling skills must be declining in my old age...

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