We are seeing a strange bug where if we list the contents of a directory
while files are being created in it, we sometimes get duplicates and/or
missing files in the output.

I can reproduce it on a single machine by running these two scripts at
the same time:


   foreach file ( `seq 1 10000` )
      touch /mnt/pvfs2/testdir/${file}


      set foo=`ls /mnt/pvfs2/testdir | wc -l`
      set bar=`ls /mnt/pvfs2/testdir | uniq -d | wc -l`
      echo listing count: $foo, duplicates: $bar
      sleep 1
   goto there

The test machine that I am using is pretty slow.  On faster machines you
may need to create more than 10,000 files, or maybe slow it down by
actually writing a little bit of data into each file.

At any rate, the output looks normal for a while, but then we start
seeing results like this from watcher.sh:

listing count: 6310, duplicates: 0
listing count: 6320, duplicates: 0
listing count: 6334, duplicates: 0
listing count: 6371, duplicates: 0
listing count: 6382, duplicates: 0
listing count: 6396, duplicates: 5024
listing count: 6406, duplicates: 0
listing count: 10896, duplicates: 5344
listing count: 6430, duplicates: 5120
listing count: 6434, duplicates: 0
listing count: 11574, duplicates: 6048
listing count: 6472, duplicates: 0

The listing count is supposed to steadily increase, and the duplicates
field should always be zero.  The problem only occurs while files are
being created.  Once tester.sh is done, the listing looks perfectly

Anyone have any ideas?  I think this problem has been hanging around for
a little while but we just now figured out how to reliably trigger it. It is at least in current cvs head and was in a snapshot from August 21.


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