
Raymond wrote:
Hi all!

P.S. As a side note, if I run "lsusb", I notice that if the camera is picked up on bus 1, it fails and if it's picked up on bus 2 it succeeds (this is all the same physical port on the computer). I'm guessing if the first device plugged in (a hub or an "actual" device) is usb1.1 the firmware assigns it to bus 2 otherwise it becomes bus 1 ... not sure if that's a "normal" way of doing things or if it's something OQO have done ...
Yes that standard way of doing things :
the usb2 controller only manage high speed device. When a low/full speed is detected it route the device to a "companion" controller which support usb 1.

I suppose on our computer you have 2 drivers for usb controller : ehci for usb2 and ohci/uhci for usb1. What happen if you unload/disable ehci driver ?

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