You might consider switching to the AniWebs. They support Login and logout. You also have much more granular control over permissions.


At 11:04 PM 2/4/2006 -0600, Dan Ringrose wrote:
Fellow list members - here's my current swiki quest:

One way we've deployed swikis is on wireless laptops used in different class settings.  Usually the laptops are put to sleep after each session, often with all the programs running, including the browser.  Unfortunately, this means that often those browsers "remember" the last login info for particular swiki pages, which is less than ideal with shared equipment.

Can anyone suggest a way to include a "log out" button on each of my swiki pages?  I'd like it to bring up the username/password dialog.  This would make it easy to switch between authenticated users on the same machine, or for me to login with higher level authority, make changes, and then log out.  One might also think of this button as an "authenticate" button.  I'm looking for an alternative to clearing the browser cache, quitting the browser, and restarting it each time - a task that is different on each browser and not intuitive to most of my users.

Any thoughts?


Daniel Ringrose, Department of History, Minot State University, Minot, ND
email: daniel.ringrose at

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