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From: Randy Siler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 26, 2007 2:30:03  GMT+02:00
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], The general-purpose Squeak developers list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Irina Gendelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help! Our Swiki stopped working and our content is inside
Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list <squeak- [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,
I'm afraid I'm in a rather stupid spot and I don't know how to pull myself out of it, or even write intelligently for help from some kind soul.

Months ago, maybe a year ago, one of my colleagues wanted to learn about wikis and so I figured out how to bring up a swiki in a squeak image and I set it up on her Mac to play with. In the course of playing she got some of our other colleagues using it for collaboration. Everything went swimmingly and it got used more and more but never in such a way that I worried to document what I had done.

Now something has gone wrong and we haven't the slightest idea what, nor do we have much recollection even of what we were using. Below is a picture of what it looked like when it was working. And I vaguely remember having to write about 4 lines of code to get it started and then we just had to save and quit and from then on it would automatically startup when we started squeak. Problem is, now we just get a grey screen and I can't find reference to what I need to do to get the swiki running again. I expect our content is safe in the image if we could get the swiki serving again.

        If anyone can help us out we would be greatly appreciative.
Cheers, and thanks so much,

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- Bert -

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