I'm looking at ComSwiki, and I'm curious about how the external Smalltalk
files are used. I think that the scripts in the actions folder are activated
by buttons. I've never seen Smalltalk code in external files -- always in
the image. 

I don't understand how the scripts are input into the image at the prompting
of a button. I don't see how the script knows where to insert itself, how it
contextualizes itself.

I know from the Squeak man page that a file can be added to the command line
and inserted: 

    squeak -headless squeak.image helloworld.st&

That's the only way I know to input a file with Smalltalk into an image. It
would execute in the Workspace.

I guess these action files, all 117 of them, are being executed on the
Workspace also. But how are they being pulled into the image by a

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