This was pretty hairy to debug, but I tracked it down:

In [14]: np.dtype(np.uintp)
Out[14]: dtype('uint32')

In [15]: np.dtype(np.uintp) == np.dtype(np.uint32)
Out[15]: True

In [17]: hash(np.dtype(np.uintp))
Out[17]: 1198097502

In [18]: hash(np.dtype(np.uint32))
Out[18]: -98813048

I encountered the problem when using gpuarray.arange which causes one
argument to be set to uintp in the following line
arguments.append(ScalarArg(np.uintp, "n"))

Can anyone test if this replicates with his numpy (mine is 1.6.1)?


On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Andreas Kloeckner
<> wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 20:03:44 +0100, Thomas Wiecki <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> glad to see that you followed up on this issue. I will try to boil it
>> down but noticed that when I was investigating the issue back then I
>> could not easily reproduce the problem. For some reason the dict
>> stored dtype was hashing to something else. Can you easily point me to
>> the place where the dict is created?
> Sure.
> - Initial fill in pycuda.compyte.dtype._fill_dtype_registry().
> - Vector types added in pycuda.gpuarray._create_vector_types().
> Andreas
> PS: Please make sure to keep the list cc'd.

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