On Sat, 26 May 2012 14:59:28 -0400, Thomas Wiecki <thomas_wie...@brown.edu> 
> I tried using the shipped version (bpl_subset) but couldn't get it to
> work somehow (how is one supposed to get the lib files?).
> I now set USE_SHIPPED_BOOST = False and that seems to do the trick
> with the ubuntu 11.10 boost packages 1.46.1

Right. Should've remembered to say that. There's no way to make codepy
work with shipped boost. The reason for this is twofold: a) as you
remark, you don't get a libboost-python*, which codepy requires, and
even if you got that from elsewhere, b) Boost.Python keeps a global
registry of from/to-python converters. Once there are two copies of that
registry loaded into a single Python interpreter, things start getting
weird. Very weird. :)


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