Luigi Assom <> writes:

> Hello Andreas,
> thank you for your feedback:
> Which prerequisite must have a data structure to be good for GPU?
> Should I allocate exact size of memory for each array ?

I hate to say it, but let me just state two facts: (1) There's no canned
functionality for what you'd like to accomplish (intersection of string
lists, IIUC). You'd have to piece this together out of parallel
primitives (scan/sort) or just handwritten (in C) kernels. String
sorting on the GPU is something that people publish legitimate research
papers on. (2) Learning to do these things (unfortunately) takes a
considerable time investment--think months. So please understand that
the friendly folks on the mailing list won't be able to give you a quick
tutorial, or even provide you with an 'easy answer'.


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