The following forum message was posted by  at

I\'ve noticed a very odd bug since I updated my Eclipse. 

The console area, where we see the stdout + stderr from the running processes 
appears to have lost it\'s scroll-bar. From time to time the object which 
manages this area seems to have become utterly confuised. The arrows at the top 
and bottom of the scroll bar do not work.

The easiest way to re-produce this fault is to begin a process which writes a 
lot of content to stdout. After a few seconds I get an eclipse Error dialog.

The window title is [b]\"Multiple Problems have occurred\".[/b]

The box has a red X icon, adjacent to an error message [b]\"An internal error 
has occurred\"[/b]

The list of error windows all have the text [b]\"Reveal End of Document\"[/b]. 
If I click on details I get the follow-on message

[b]An internal error has occurred.

When this error condition occurs,  I can sometimes scroll using the arrow keys, 
however scrolling occasionally causes the console area to mess up. I\'ve 
googled that \"Reveal End of Document\" is supposed to be an exclipse IDE 
function which ought to cause a console to jump to the end.

Does anybody have an idea what might be going on? How can I fix this problem? 
It\'s really annoying.

Using Eclipse 3.6 on an up to date Sun JDK with Pydev plugin on Windows XP 32 
bit & latest PyDev

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