The following forum message was posted by jstrong611 at

I have PyDev ver. 2.2.2 installed in Eclipse Indigo. I am running Python 2.5.4
with it.

When I hit F4 to get a Hierarchy View, I get an outline format which shows 
and "parents" in a vertical list.
What I do not see is the handy flowchart format, such as the example I see when
I search "Hierarchy View" on the website.

I read another post somewhere that the flowchart view was an "advanced feature"
via a separate addon a couple of years ago, but that it went open code and 
part of the normal PyDev install. Not sure if this is accurate, but...

Does anyone know how I get my Hierarchy View to look like a flowchart (easy
to read) vs. the straight list of children and parents (hard to read)?


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