M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> I disagree. Administrators tend to forget where the information is
>> stored, and how to access it; they are also uncertain as to whether
>> certain aspects are documented at all. Giving Google access to this
>> information (or any other search engine) simplifies maintenance.
> A wiki on a separate server would make that information
> just as easily available, so I don't really buy into that
> argument of unorganized administrators (which I don't think
> we have on python.org).
> The PSF has a Trac installation that could be used for this.
> It's hosted on a separate managed servers, so the information would
> be available even if python.org goes down.
> I can create an instance and user accounts for you to use.

Could someone please point me to the wiki pages that already
exist for this and any other information that may be useful ?

I'll then go ahead and setup a Trac instance for the admins to
use. I'd also need a list of current admins to setup their

Aside: I guess that would even help those mythical "unorganized"
admins, since they'd only need to bookmark a single URL rather than
remember what to search for on Google ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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